Links for environmental organizations that share the Prairie Smoke value of promoting native habitat:
Home Science: Backyard Conservation
Resources for green living from HomeAdvisor
A local hiking club that manages the Lost Creek Trail near Chatfield
Great Old Broads for Wilderness:
MN chapter: preserving special areas of habitat
Preserving habitat and clean water for fish and other wildlife
Preserving through conservation easements, privately owned land of special natural value, including prairie remnants
MN Dept of Natural Resources; Non-Game Division:
Conducting research, monitoring, restoring and maintaining our natural environment. Resource for owners of prairies
MN Master Naturalist program:
Volunteer training for those who care about our natural environment
Preserving MN native plants
Saving pollinator habitat including advocacy for our natural environment in general
Land Trust in Wisconsin, saves prairie remnants by purchasing and maintaining them
Preserving and promoting native plant habitat
Habitat for invertebrates of all types, including pollinators, especially by native plantings
A local chapter of the National Audubon Society
Great photos and graphics depicting the true depth and mass of prairie plant roots.
Insects Insects Insects
The Iowa Insects Mailing List provides a forum for those interested in Iowa's insects and, more generally, invertebrates, their identification and ecology. Its purpose is to encourage novices who are trying to expand their knowledge about the incredible world of insects. Another objective is to support the Iowa Native Plant Society. For questions, email:
To join the Iowa Insects Mailing List,
Send an email to:
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Bug Guide - All About Bugs
Identification tools and lots of information about bugsand spiders.
MJ Hatfield is updating the burn forecast for Iowa regularly. It's not Minnesota but it's darn close and good indicator.
Study shows how prescribed burns benefit bees.